Everyone who loves the world of fairy tales and believes in kindness, in a hurry to get tickets of the Puppet Theater. There are no restrictions on the age of the person. The visitor of the theater in the play finds peace of mind and finds a special mood! Children's world is the most fun, the real! Moreover, our society needs such purity of soul!

«The Garden of the Selfish Giant» | children’s play | II Almaty Puppet Festival – 2024

16 October 2024

«Tempo» theater / Ankara, Türkiye


The Story: Oscar Wild

Adapted by: Haluk Yüce

Directed by: Haluk Yüce

Music: Nedim Yildiz

Puppet and Stage Design: Haluk Yüce

Puppet Production: Haluk Yüce, Savaş Bayram

Starring: Marina Yüce, Şirin Ceylan Özen

Age: 4+


Dev does not want to share his garden with anyone and builds a wall around it in order to protect it from everyone. Winter passes, spring comes, trees bloom everywhere and colorful flowers bloom, but winter continues to reign in the Selfish Giant's garden. Dev, who can't make sense of the fact that spring has never come, one day discovers the reason for this…


Performance will be shown in Turkish and Russian languages.