Everyone who loves the world of fairy tales and believes in kindness, in a hurry to get tickets of the Puppet Theater. There are no restrictions on the age of the person. The visitor of the theater in the play finds peace of mind and finds a special mood! Children's world is the most fun, the real! Moreover, our society needs such purity of soul!

Ur, tokpak

Genre: Fairy tale
Author: Kasymkhan Begmanov
Director: Erkebulan Kabdyl

«Ur, Tokpak!» is an atmospheric performance for young viewers, which brings good human qualities in them and exalts national values. The interesting thing about this play is that it shows various interesting puppet characters. The play tells the story of a naive, good-natured old man who one day, while searching for his lamb, accidentally finds a goose that was trapped. The old man helps the goose, but it turns out it is not an ordinary goose, he is the wise wizard Kazbay. For his salvation, the wise wizard decides to give the old man three magical gifts called «Pys Kazan», «Kus Esek» and «Ur, Tokpak» with unique capabilities. After that, everything in the life of the old man and his wife changes completely...